I don't know about any of you dog lovers out there, but we have 3 dogs and each of them will lick. When I say lick...I mean lick on their own paw..lick on the other dog...lick my hands, feet, legs, face if I let them....LICK, LICK, LICK!!! OH and did I mention how irritating that sound is? Ever have someone noisily licking on a lollipop? OMG! It's so ding dang infuriating! Just STOP that licking!!
OK, I have vented...I feel better. Well a little bit, anyway. I am what you would call a sit-on-the-sideline watcher. And I have noticed something. The Alpha dog never licks on a lower level dog. It seems to me that the lower dog will lick it's superior ranked canine as if the Alpha was royalty. You know let me get as low to the ground (humble, don't bite my ass) attitude and here while I am down here let me lick, lick, lick you!
So here's the problem....I am 'THE ALPHA'. I have 3 dogs that want to please me anyway they can. How do they like to show it? LICK, LICK, LICK, and even more LICKS. I don't mind the feet getting a good licking....mind ya...but the face? Yuck! I know where that tongue has been. LOL I have learned to let my dogs lick me and have noticed the look of admiration they have as they LICK, LICK, and LICK.
So Booser, Knoxi, and Autumn, you keep those LICKS a comin'. I enjoy as much admiration as you can give me.
Yep the alpha male.. the boss man.. how else can a dog show admiration, admission and attention... good one...